Trade Membership Registration Form

trade membership application

Trade membership is new in 2020 and is intended for any company or business that would receive financial gain from attending or being involved in attending training, conferences, association events, or other association activities through the sale of goods and/or services.

Each AFTOA trade member is eligible to be a sponsor for an association event and/or conference and shall be listed on any notices and advertising noting their contribution. Trade members shall be listed with a link to their website on the AFTOA website. Trade members can purchase add space on the monthly AFOTA newsletter. All funds will go directly to the AFTOA general fund and support zone-based training and meetings. A trade member shall have a seat on the training conference committee and a non-voting position on the executive.

Trade Membership Application

Once you have completed the registration form, please create your login info by clicking the 'Log in/Sign up' box on the bottom right corner of this page.

You will then be prompted to confirm your membership plan (trade) and make your payment. Thank you!